Trauma Care Update

Trauma Care Update

Haven of Hope International launches a one-year trauma-informed certification program to set a new standard of care for the orphaned children they serve. Congratulations to the first students participating in this game-changing trauma care program at our flagship orphan care home, Refugio de Esperanza in Bolivia. Upon successful completion of this program, each staff member…

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Here’s what kids eat once they arrive at our flagship orphanage

When a child arrives at our flagship orphanage one of the very first things the staff does is feeds the child a home cooked meal. It’s usually whatever the meal of the day is. However, if they know a child will be coming in to the orphanage, they try their best to make majadito (pronounced…

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Learn More About Children in Peru

Learn More About Children In Peru

The rights of the child in Peru are fulfilled to a varying degree. On one hand, the country has made real material progress in improving the lives of young Peruvians. On the other hand, only some children can take advantage of these advances, and many others are left behind, with no guarantee that their rights…

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Eye-Opening Statistics About Children Around the World

Orphans An estimated 153 million children worldwide are orphans (UNICEF). Child Labor Worldwide, there are 168 million child laborers, accounting for almost 11% of children (ILO). In the world’s poorest countries, around 1 in 4 children are engaged in child labor (UNICEF). Education 263 million children and youth are out of school (UNESCO). An estimated…

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Local dentist helps orphans in Santa Cruz

Meet Dr. Regina At Haven of Hope Boliva, there is a local dentist, Dr. Regina, that visits the home twice a year. She is able to give children most treatments at a lower cost than any dentist in the area. Orphanage directors tell us Dr. Regina does an amazing job at a very low price.…

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Mt. Kilimanjaro: Got Questions? We’ve got answers!

From lush tropical jungles to its glacier-clad volcanic peak, Mt Kilimanjaro is one of the most iconic mountains in the world, but climbing to the 19,341 ft tall summit is no easy task. We know this is a big mission with an even bigger purpose. Please know we will help you every step along the…

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Why a Private Christian Education is an Important Investment for HOHI Children

The choice you make for your children’s education shapes them academically, spiritually, and in their worldview and skills. At Christian schools, the faculty and staff are equipped to address each of these developing areas of a child’s life. These schools take seriously the responsibility to develop children’s minds, but they don’t distance God from academics.…

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Teens Learning Marketing and Art Techniques

The teens at Refugio de Esperanza have been busy this month! Jose Luis has been teaching the girls specific art techniques he learned during his internship in the states. He spent two weeks under the direction of product-designer, Judy Teeven. The beautiful, large, and round discs you see in these pictures are charger plates. Each…

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How to train for Mount Kilimanjaro

The more physically prepared you are for climbing Kilimanjaro, the more enjoyable experience you will have. Climb Kili will have a special work out plan prepared for you to get ready for the big climb. As you train, you might consider going on more hikes, take longer walks, etc. You want to be able to…

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