Learn More About Children In Peru

Learn More About Children in Peru


The rights of the child in Peru are fulfilled to a varying degree. On one hand, the country has made real material progress in improving the lives of young Peruvians. On the other hand, only some children can take advantage of these advances, and many others are left behind, with no guarantee that…


A building is going up in Peru!


You just glanced over the latest images from South America. Pucallpa, Peru to be exact! What you see now is a result of lots of prayer and a relentless desire to change the destiny of orphans around the world.  Haven of Hope International saw the extreme need in Pucallpa, Peru first hand during a…


Updates from Pucallpa, Peru

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Michael Alton is leading a group of men and women in Pucallpa, Peru to build a dorm for 8 children.


HOHI is breaking ground in Peru


Work has begun on a $50,000 project to build and sustain an orphanage in Pucallpa, Peru. This site will serve as a haven of hope for children that have been abused, neglected, and forgotten.