Work has begun on a $50,000 project to build and sustain an orphanage in Pucallpa, Peru. This site will serve as a haven of hope for children that have been abused, neglected, and forgotten.
By the end of this week, two concrete slabs will be poured in. This will set the stage for a team of volunteers made of up Haven of Hope International and Men and Women of Action to build a dorm that will house 8 children during this month's trip.
The goal is to build a total of 8 dorms to house 8 children per dorm. The completion date is dependent on funding.
"I feel honored that God chose me out of all of the people he could have chosen to help lead this," project team leader, Michael Alton, said. "I am so thrilled to do his work."
When a team went to Peru in July, they found children living in unbelievably heartbreaking conditions.
Several children were found sleeping in run down shacks with the roof falling in, no running water or electricity in a swampy area of Pucallpa.
Alice Skaff, Founder of Haven of Hope International, walked us through the area and learned it used to be a cemetery. She was told that about 7 years ago, people started moving to this area and created living spaces. Unfortunately, locals told her that they have noticed an increase in crime and poverty.

Haven of Hope International quickly partnered with Men and Women of Action to rescue, love, restore, and equip orphans desperately in need of a place to call home and promised to help change the destiny of the orphans they met this past summer.
"They need a safe place to live. Children are just living in squatted shacks right now and those are not secure from snakes or animals. They need a place with stability and security," project team leader, Michael Alton, said.
We believe every child has a destiny to fulfill and unless caring people become their “extended family” to support them, statistics tell us the chance of them fulfilling that destiny is very slim.

At the moment, Pastor Lily Cardenas commits to 24/7 care for these children.
Each week, Pastor Lily feeds the neighborhood children and shares the gospel with them. She is heartbroken knowing innocent and precious children have to return to unsafe living conditions each day.
These children desperately need a refuge where they will receive the love and care they deserve, an education and a place where they will be safe.
The estimated building cost is $50,000, and Pastor Lilly will need ongoing partners to help cover the monthly costs of caring for these children. You can also help Haven of Hope International and Men and Women of Action to help open a safe and loving home in Pucallpa, Peru.