In a matter of a few weeks the Covid-19 pandemic changed how students will be educated around the world, now and possibly forever.
Today it is estimated that globally over 1.2 billion children in 186 countries are no longer learning in classrooms due to school closures. The shift to on-line learning (remote teaching and digital platforms) was sudden and whether or not it continues post-pandemic remains to be seen along with how education on a global basis will be impacted.
With the adoption of on-line learning there are real challenges to overcome. The most significant being ready access to computers and the Internet. For students without reliable internet access and/or technology, digital learning will be a struggle and almost impossible obstacle to overcome and learn.
The price tag to thriving…can be as low as $1500/orphanage home for technology equipment and estimated internet costs of $50/month. Costs vary by country.
Thriving is achievable…when you help us answer the technology needs of orphanages who have contacted HOHI for technology support. There are many! You can donate through our secure website. Support can be a one-time technology donation or monthly donation to cover WIFI fees. 100% OF YOUR DONATIONS will be used to Equip these homes and children with technology access to education, healthcare and trauma-care support.
Technology Brings Education and is important for our kids
Today, providing technology packages to the orphanages that we partner with so their children can participate in online learning is one of our most important initiatives at Haven of Hope.
As you can imagine…children who come through the doors of an orphanage are typically years behind academically. Some have never attended school because they’ve had to work fending for themselves as they hoped to survive their life on the streets.
With gratitude…we thank the many donors who have already helped us provide technology packages to a few of our partner orphanages.
Technology Package Received in Bolivia
Our flagship orphanage, Refugio de Esperanza, was first to receive a technology package. In the following video, Mama Gladys at Haven of Hope Bolivia tells how thrilled she is to be able to have the technology the orphanage needs to keep “her” 37 children on track with their studies.
Technology Package Requested in Africa
For Watu Wa Maana in Kenya, tablets, laptops and WIFI service have been provided and will help support the children as they start their next school year in September. A critical time for 8th graders, who will be tested in November for entrance into high school boarding schools, the students will be able to receive their education and for lay the foundation of their future.
Other Orphanages Need Technology Packages
Sadly, there are many additional orphanages that need technology, like one of our other partners, the John E. Halgrim Orphanage (JEHO), caring for orphans in Nairobi. JEHO serves 46 children ranging from infant to 18 years of age who are brought to JEHO from hospitals or government agencies or have been found discarded and abandoned, living on the streets. While the students are trying their best to learn from schoolbooks, keeping up with teacher-guided studies during this pandemic period has been a big challenge. Technology can help to keep them from falling further behind.
While online education is driving the current need for orphanages to be technology enabled, it is only one reason why technology is critical.
Technology Brings Education, Medical and Trauma-Informed Care to Orphanages
From surviving to thriving… orphanages with computers and WIFI service are able to bring access to education for the children they serve, but also medical support through available tele-health programs and attention to the trauma the children have experienced thru trauma-care training of orphanage staff.
Based on the most up-to-date scientific research on trauma care—whole body experiences to break the cycles of poverty, abuse and neglect orphans have faced—changing how their brain is wired so healing can take place is the foundation of HOHI’s trauma-care training program. Technology provides the opportunity for orphanage leadership to receive this important training.
Coming from high poverty environments—living on the streets or in shelters—where diseases and inadequate sanitation are prevalent, medical, dental and vision care for their young bodies is not a reality for orphans. Considerable troubleshooting is required to bring their bodies into a healthier state and with technology quick access to medical consultation and support is a reality.

Please download and share this postcard to raise technology donations
The price tag to thriving…can be as low as $1500/orphanage home for technology equipment and estimated internet costs of $50/month. Costs vary by country.
Thriving is achievable…when you help us answer the technology needs of orphanages who have contacted HOHI for technology support. There are many! You can donate through our secure website. Support can be a one-time technology donation or monthly donation to cover WIFI fees. 100% OF YOUR DONATIONS will be used to Equip these homes and children with technology access to education, healthcare and trauma-care support.
Our role remains – setting a new standard in orphan care.
Will you help us and share this report with others.
Read our latest blog posts
- Empower Sustainable Cooking & Change Lives at Matonyok Children’s Home
- Dreaming BIG at Watu Wa Maana Children’s Centre
- Living Big Lives at Refugio de Vida
- Nurturing Talents and Dreams at JEHO Safe Home
- Empowering Futures at JEHO Safe Home: The Impact of Monthly Sponsorship