It’s Christmas Time!

It’s Christmas Time!  

I think each of us when asked, “What do you like best about Christmas?” would respond in some manner that it is a time of hope and joy, a celebration of God’s ultimate gift: the birth of Jesus, the Christ child. You would likely respond that it is a time for family, a time when the family takes center stage in gatherings, feasts, and special gifts.

However, Christmas is not a celebration or a time for a family gathering if you are an orphan.  It is like any other day in their life — it is all about survival for one more day. It is certainly not about a gift toy at Christmas.  Or a nutritious meal. It is about one more day of digging in the garbage for something to eat or another day of life on the street. Poverty is all you know.  When one becomes an orphan, and most do at an early age, there are no hopes or dreams. Through no fault of their own, they have no one to call family, no one to take care of them, no one to provide for them, and no one benevolent to look to for help.  In most instances, they are voiceless and invisible.

Haven of Hope International (HOHI) became a reality 18 years ago when the first orphanage opened in Santa Cruz, Bolivia serving six children. The organization’s guiding principles begin with rescuing these children from the streets and creating a loving, safe environment with a new family. Love abounds, restoration follows, and equipping them with skills to survive out of the poverty from which they came remains our focus.

Today HOHI helps to care for 225+ children in five partner homes located in Bolivia, Peru, Kenya, and Tanzania. The day an orphan is brought to one of our homes is the start of their new life as part of a loving family environment — and they are large families! They learn that they can dream of a better life for themselves and, maybe, someday, a family of their own. But right now, today, child and home sponsors are their family. And, just like most families, during the holidays, we remind ourselves how lucky we are to have family and friends that love us. Our children do too, thanks to those who choose them to be part of their family through our sponsorship program.

You may wonder, “What do our Haven of Hope children like most about Christmas?”

You might be surprised by their answer. While they treasure the presents that they receive, the most important to them is the fact that they are part of a family. For them, it is all about family!  Their joy is palpable when they connect with their sponsor family from afar, especially at Christmas.

With a mission to set a new standard in orphan care, at Christmas, our HOHI Family of Hope sponsors and donors help to make certain our children receive a needed gift like shoes or a blouse or pants, a wished-for toy like a soccer ball, or a doll or a game, and finally a delicious Christmas feast with all their favorite foods.

To our Family of Hope, thank you for your generosity this year, helping to bring a joyful Christmas to our 225 children. To those who are just learning of HOHI and would like to join in providing a joyful Christmas for our children, it is not too late.  As you begin Christmas shopping for your loved ones, we ask that you consider giving to our Christmas campaign for our children.  No amount is too small or too large!

Click here to donate to our Christmas fund.