In the heart of Arusha, Tanzania, at the Matonyok Children’s Home, a story of resilience and hope unfolds. It’s the story of Neema, a brave 13-year-old girl battling HIV-AIDS. Last October, her condition deteriorated drastically, leaving her unresponsive and in desperate need of ICU care. The situation seemed dire, with the specter of hope fading as she needed immediate dialysis – a treatment far beyond the financial reach of the orphanage.
That’s when Haven of Hope International (HOHI) stepped in, led by Alice Sweet. Recognizing the urgency, she rallied her network of medical friends to collaborate with Neema’s doctors in Tanzania to understand what her needs were. In an inspiring display of global solidarity, a team of U.S. doctors began weekly consultations with their African counterparts, generously covering the costs of the critical treatments Neema required.
Today, we are thrilled to share that Neema's condition has improved. Thanks to the dialysis, her condition has stabilized significantly, allowing her to return to the orphanage. Her journey continues as doctors through outpatient care, surrounded by the love and support of her Matonyok family.
However, the journey is not over. Neema’s doctors are recommending a kidney transplant, and the team is working on finding a donor and hospital to perform the surgery. The medical teams from both continents are diligently working to determine the best path forward for Neema.
We need your help to cover her ongoing treatment costs! This bright, courageous young lady is holding on to hope as she battles for her life. Your prayers and support have been a beautiful example to Neema that her life matters and she is not alone in this battle. They remain crucial as we navigate the next steps in her treatment and strengthens our collective resolve to see Neema through to a healthy and bright future.
Together, we can continue to provide hope for Neema and the other children at Matonyok Children’s Home.