Haven of Hope International is focused on the unadopted children of the world. This means 99% of the children in foster/orphan care that may not be adopted.
Our pillars of purpose are RESCUE, LOVE RESTORE and EQUIP.
Builders of Hope play a huge part in this mission. This group helps HOHI complete special project needs for children to have a safe learning and living environment.
If you choose to be a Builder of Hope, this means you would like to donate your gifts, talents, skills, and/or resources to help complete projects. This may look like helping build a dorm or a new kitchen, maybe restoring a bathroom that needs a vital upgrade, etc.
Join the team

At HOHI we are determined to be the Family of Hope to these kids and in doing so, set a new standard of orphan care. Thanks to Men And Women of Action, in July, we were able to start building one of eight dorms in Pucallpa, Peru.
The goal is to build a total of 8 dorms to house 8 children per dorm. The completion date is dependent on funding.
“I feel honored that God chose me out of all of the people he could have chosen to help lead this,” project team leader, Michael Alton, said. “I am so thrilled to do His work.”
When a team went to Peru in July, they found children living in unbelievably heartbreaking conditions.
Several children were found sleeping in run down shacks with the roof falling in, no running water or electricity in a swampy area of Pucallpa.
If you would like to donate towards Builders of Hope to fulfill project needs, please click the button below.