Meet Dr. Regina
At Haven of Hope Boliva, there is a local dentist, Dr. Regina, that visits the home twice a year. She is able to give children most treatments at a lower cost than any dentist in the area.
Orphanage directors tell us Dr. Regina does an amazing job at a very low price. For example, a cleaning for a child in Bolivia may cost about 80 Bolivianos ($11.58 USD) at a public clinic or up to 200 Bolivianos ($28.95) at a private practice. Dr. Regina only charges 35 Bolivianos ($5.07) per child and completes any cleanings or extractions at the orphanage. This is a tremendous help since transportation may sometimes be difficult. She also applies a flouride treatment that lasts a year and sealants if necessary.

Dr. Regina has supported Refugio de Esperanza (HOHB) for several years. Her initial visit consists of a cleaning and discussing a treatment plan with directors for each child. During this visit, she figures out what type of dental work each child will need. Unfortunatley, many of the children at our flagship orphanage have pretty extensive dental needs.
How you can help
Dr. Regina has asked us to help her replace some of the worn out equipment she uses everyday.

The cost for the equipment would be $840. We also found a very similar item on Amazon for a little over $100! When we asked Dr. Regina, she said either would work.
Another request is for a sterilizer or autoclave sterilizer. We are working on getting pricing for this equipment. She currently sterilizes her equipment elsewhere.
She has been a tremendous blessing to the orphanage. We are hoping to bless her in return. Please keep in mind this will also benefit the children – our children – she helps every year.
She is also in need of flouride varnish to continue helping the children we love.
If you are a dentist or know of a dentist that would be willing to become a dental sponsor and help orphans with basic needs like dental care, please fill out our contact form by clicking here.