Here in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, the total quarantine has been extended another two weeks, beginning of June 2020.
We are so grateful for each of you for your continued support and encouragement during this time that have allowed Haven Of Hope Bolivia to continue to provide for the children. Thank you for the extra prayers for both the on-campus staff, who are doing the heavy lifting by holding down the fort, and the off-campus staff, who are doing their best to stay connected and offer their support. It´s amazing to witness how the Lord cares for His children – little ones and adults alike – even in these unusual circumstances and each of you have been part of that care.
COVID quarantine has changed the way classes are being held around the world. The school year in Bolivia runs from February to November, so classes were interrupted during the first marking period. There is no official word on when schools will re-open as the number of cases continues to grow each day. Therefore, the government has instructed school to continue using online methods. Our children take turns using the devices that are available on campus and are praying for more equipment to facilitate this unexpected need.
High school seniors and grade school students alike taking classes from home. -
9th graders sharing devices and spaces for their schooling. -
9th graders completed a chemistry experiment -
Our girls take turns to use the computers to do school work. -
Our 10th graders, Eva and Ruddy, share a tablet to attend class -
Papa Marco prepares the TV for online classes for our 6th graders -
Mama Gladys and tía Mariela supervise the classroom while the seniors take classes
and other students work on assignments in the background. -
Eva & Isabel prepare for presentations they will share with their teachers via video calls
Sustainability/Vocations Advances
Shopping during quarantine is far from easy. Adults between 19 and 64 can only shop one day a week while wearing face masks and maintaining safe distances from other shoppers. Meanwhile, consumers’ desire for fresh bread delivered to their doorstep coupled with a recently purchased bread mixer and an enthusiastic group of young people equals a perfect opportunity to test a new sustainability project. Haven of Hope has been selling hundreds of bread rolls a day!
Shopping during quarantine. Thankfully, toilet paper hasn’t been difficult to find -
Older children in the home are helping make fresh bread to sell and deliver to customers door steps -
Carolota poses with a fresh batch of bread
As the old adage says, “There is a time for everything”, so when chores and school work are done, the children enjoy special times of connection to balance the concentration and effort put forth in other moments.
Happy Birthday, Nieves!

Nieves, our first vocations program graduate as an assistant nurse, recently celebrated her 23rd birthday! She continues to live Pastor Yalal and his family, and they know how to throw a lovely party.
Eternally grateful to God for heroes like our staff, sponsors and all who obediently pour into the lives of our children to share the love and restoration. May His richest blessings and protection be upon each of you!