Home Communication Center
Welcome to our Home Communications Center!
We've created an easy way for you to communicate with us! When you scroll down, you will find six topics--
Media Submission * Home Project Requests * Home Status Report * Home Prayer Request * Annual Home Evaluation * Home Partnership Application.
A description of each topic is provided to help you select the correct link. Select the category that applies and let the communication begin.
If you have any questions, please email info@havenofhopeintl.org.
If pictures are worth a thousand words, videos are probably worth a million! Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of orphans around the world. Photos and videos are a powerful way to help those interested in making a difference step into the lives of the children.
Home Prayer Request
We believe that when we come into agreement in prayer according to God's will, He will hear and answer prayer. Please submit your specific prayer requests using the form provided. You are not forgotten!
Home Project Request
Does your home have any projects that require a special request for financial or resource assistance? Please use the form provided and attach documentation supporting your financial request.

Annual Home Evaluation
Please complete the form for your annual home evaluation. The information you provide helps us to provide donors and potential donors information on your home, helping use to fundraise and meet more of your needs.
Home Status Report
Please help us track our impact and enable us to better serve you by completing the monthly report. Complete all applicable fields that apply as they relate to your engagement with Haven of Hope International. Monthly reports are due one week prior to your support disbursement. If you are unable to complete your report, inform the office so it doesn't affect your monthly support.
Home Partnership Application
Apply to become a partner with Haven of Hope International. As a partner, Haven of Hope International will consider your project and/or financial assistance requests. If you are accepted as a partner you will be required to sign a partnership agreement.