It was truly an adrenaline rush like no other at 14,000 feet
We had 11 brave men and women Jump for Hope on Saturday to raise money to help the most vulnerable population: orphans.
Here’s why:
The Orphan Crisis is Real. 153 million children strong.
Unfortunately, there aren’t many people talking about. In fact, there are even less people doing something to help make a difference. Meanwhile, there are MILLIONS of children that have been abused (sexually, physically, emotionally), neglected and forgotten that need help and have no family.
Imagine growing up with without the support or family preparing you for adulthood. Haven of Hope International is dedicated to help create a Family of Hope and tackle this orphan crisis. Our team works to set a new standard for orphan care by providing orphanages strategic programs that not only rescue and love but they restore and equip.
There is no way we could help change the destiny of orphans around the world without community and our Family of Hope support.
Our Skydivers faced their fears to show children they too are capable of facing theirs. They have set a goal of raising $14,000 as a group.
You can follow their fundraising progress here.
Please consider joining our family of hope and make a commitment to support their Dreams by donating today or organizing your own group to jump for hope.
Meet some of the children you’re helping
We got this video in from our flagship orphanage in Bolivia. Our kids wanted to encourage the skydivers the day of the big jump!
Here’s the translation: “Thank you for facing your fears because you love us.”
When you partner with us financially, you help us set a new standard in orphan care for children like you see in this video. This means we are able to implement strategic programs at orphanages that not only rescue and love but they restore and equip.

We’re willing to go to extremes to change the destiny of orphans around the world.
We’re climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro this year! If you’re interested in more information please click here. By filling out our interest form it is in no way a formal commitment.

“We are finally getting back to normal after the holidays. The people of this city were so generous to this home during the holidays, bringing food, presents, entertainment, new equipment (like fans), etc. Our kids were celebrated and loved well. We finally have all of our staff back from their different vacations and have had many planning meetings in preparation for the rest of the summer break until school starts again in February. Our kids have been great this break. Most of the break was just me, Gladys and Marco, and one other Tia/Tio. Even with the staff gone, the kids did wonderfully. A HUGE and noticeable difference from June/July (summer break). They are healing inch by inch and are doing well.”
– Alexis, Trauma-Informed Care Resident
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